¿A five date rule? Girl, I have you beat for sure!
Anyway, really liked that movie. It was better than No Strings Attached...
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Friends with Benefits (2011) - IMDb
Monday, December 5, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Toriko (2): I love you: stay with me forever...
It's also motivated me to create my Full Course Menu: a meal containing your choice of each of the following food categories:
- Hors d'Œuvre:
- Soup:
- Fish Dish:
- Meat Dish:
- Main Dish:
- Salad: Seaweed Salad
- Dessert: Creme Brulee Cheesecake
- Drink:
Still figuring out my dishes though, but above is my best guess so far for two categories.
Please reply with your own.
Spotify Fail 2: Terms of Service Acceptions
Reverting to the alpha Spotify version, I now encounter a new error where the Terms of Service Agreement pops up every two minutes. If you're having the same problem, add your voice to the forum page: http://getsatisfaction.com/spotify/topics/spotify_pauses_playback_to_confirm_terms_and_conditions_every_two_minutes
Wired' Uncanny Valley Special
I was only recently introduced to the "Uncanny Valley" concept in my Interacting in Virtual Worlds class: http://www-users.cselabs.umn.edu/classes/Fall-2011/csci5980/index.php. However, the latest Wired magazine has quite a few articles about it: http://www.wired.com/magazine/19-12.
>Basically, the Uncanny Valley theory is that the more objects or images attempt to look like people, the scarier they become. This fear is unsettling and makes people uncomfortable, preventing them from enjoying the latest technology. In fields that use computed-generated images (CGI), like movies and videogames, they are constantly evaluting where characters fall on the graph. What I discovered while reading the Uncanny Valley articles is that the same experience mirrors what I feel when I see people with plastic surgery. The look like people, but their faces move and the skin does not respond in a familiar way. Suddenly, I feel disgusted and I don't know why: Now I know it's because these expensive people have suddenly fallen into the valley.
Sadly, there is no way to return from the Uncanny Valley. Plastic surgery cannot be undone, it can only be redone in a different way. If instead the new taut skin is let age, it simply ages at a different rate than the skin around it, creating the same problem with artificial and unnatural behavior.
Here is the closest article to my thoughts above: http://www.wired.com/magazine/2011/11/pl_column_cg_perfection/
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Toriko - Full Episodes and Clips streaming online - Hulu
And now for something completely different: Toriko tracks down the most legendary and usually delicious creatures in the world. What a brilliant idea for a show!
He's a food tourist like me, except he loves danger...
Spotify with Apps (Beta) fail
The new Spotify Beta does not work very well for a lot of reasons. The main problem is that it takes 300% more memory to run the Beta, despite only having two apps running. Sadly, I don't have that much extra memory to throw away, so I switched back to the Alpha release.
It doesn't really matter since my 6 months of free unlimited streaming is almost up and I'll probably have to mostly abandon the service at that time.
Thanks for the compilations Spotify, that was the one thing you did well...